As Predicted, Jim Jordan Joins Intelligence Committee to Fight Impeachment


Rumors began to swirl this week that Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH-04) would be appointed to the Intelligence Committee to fight the Democrats’ impeachment inquiry. The Ohio Star reported the story on Thursday. On Friday the announcement was made that Jordan had been assigned to the committee.

Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA-23) tweeted the official news, “I am appointing @Jim_Jordan to the Intelligence Committee – which has now become the Impeachment Committee – where he will continue fighting for fairness and truth. @RepRickCrawford has been an exemplary member of the committee and will rejoin it when this Democrat charade is over.”

Jordan’s addition meant another Representative was removed. Rep. Rick Crawford (R-AR-01) posted about his removal, “@GOPLeader and @DevinNunes will ensure the American people hear the full truth while @Jim_Jordan will add critical bandwidth and legal expertise to the House Intelligence Committee during these upcoming public hearings. (1/2)”

Jordan has openly discussed the need to have the so-called whistleblower testify, but according to The Hill, “The effort is not likely to bear fruit, as Democrats have rejected the idea of outing the anonymous figure, citing safety concerns, and they have veto power over any GOP subpoena requests for witness testimony.”

The claim that the whistleblower is an “anonymous figure” is erroneous. Eric Ciaramella was officially “outed” in late October, but his identity was an open secret within Washington DC. American Thinker‘s Monica Showalter wrote why the Democrats are trying to keep him a secret. It’s,

Because all of the news about this whistleblower the Democrats are trying to shield reveals a coordinated strategy of leaks and legal plottings. The only reason to keep Ciaramella’s name secret would be to shield the Democrats themselves from scrutiny about their pre-planned and coordinated plottings with this Trump-hating deep stater, because this whistleblowing wasn’t about malfeasance, it was all about political power.”

Ciaramella is not the only person Jordan wants to question. The Congressman has also said the Chair of the Committee, Adam Schiff (D-CA-28) should testify. Earlier this week Jordan responded to that question about Schiff, “I don’t think he will testify. He should, but I don’t think he will.”

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Beth Lear is a reporter at The Ohio Star.  Follow Beth on Twitter.  Email tips to [email protected].






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8 Thoughts to “As Predicted, Jim Jordan Joins Intelligence Committee to Fight Impeachment”

  1. Denise Hansen

    Jim Jordan I wish he was our Congressman ! He the best guy ! Love him Jordan

  2. Sandra Sutton

    I love our president & i’m so proud of all the thinhs he has accomplished in the short time.

  3. Evelyn

    May God use Jordan mightly to end this & protect our nation from their evil plots in Jesus’ name. Amen.

  4. cheri

    i think this circus should end. we pay our officials to work for us. there are so many things that need to be done. they have worked to get rid of pres trump even before he was elected. just keep pushing our country looks like the joke it has become.

  5. Grant

    And now the Democrats are trying to smear another Good Man!!!

  6. Maria Teresa Tellez

    I just wonder if the USA Diplomats, have anything to do with the tampering call from President Trump to Ukrainian President the 26 of July? It is obvious that the whistleblower, was a second hand info. So who is the first hand info? Also why is the whistleblower so mysteriously protected? None of the USA Diplomats for Ukraine seems to like President Trump. Then is it any way for the USA to follow up if the call was tamper in Ukraine instead of US? Just wonder!

  7. Fred Rendon Jr.

    I’m a Vietnam Veteran and I have sent small donations to this man, Jim Jordan because I believe in his battle for truth. I’m 71 years old and I believe in him and I certainly am behind our President. Quite honestly I do not understand how President Trump can take the barrage of garbage he is being attacked with. I find it hard to believe that this crazy eyes Shift is in charge of the circus? He knows he is lying and he does not care everybody knows who the whistleblower is except for crazy eyes Shift????? and he will lie because there is no one to stop him. They have to keep up the circus or the house of cards will fall and too many worthless liberals will go crazy. Look at where we are because WE elected Donald J Trump!!!!

  8. Hal Lemoyne

    💥💞👍TRUMPenceJordan2016-2028👍💞💥 successfully US Landslide Reelected assuredly
    Amen & Amen!!!
